Blog Archives

Week to Week: THE LEGEND OF KORRA #1.9, “Out of the Past”

The Legend of Korra #1.09, "Out of the Past"

Korra finally gets in touch with her spiritual side this week. Image: Nickelodeon

Before we begin, a few words on Nickelodeon being stupid: They’re being very, very stupid.

Seriously, people I know came away with the impression that there will be no new episode next week.  That’s because for some reason, Nickelodeon decided to show their season finale promo, airing “in two weeks!”  To my understanding, there are three more episodes left: a normal episode will run next week, two back-to-back the week after.  So don’t forget to watch.

That settled, let’s dig into “Out of the Past,” a well-placed mythology download that beautifully explores the natures of Tarlokk and Amon, and the dangers that their individual obsessions with power pose: in Amon’s case, it’s posed to others, but in Tarlokk’s case, the real danger is to himself.  More after the jump.

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Week to Week: THE LEGEND OF KORRA #1.8, “When Extremes Meet”

Legend of Korra #1.8 header

Korra has a few gripes with the way Tarlokk does business in Republic City.  (Image: Nickelodeon)

After a somewhat disappointing episode, followed by a Memorial Day Weekend break, The Legend of Korra comes roaring back to life this week with a tremendous outing; short on tact and finesse, but plenty long on payoff, plot movement, and wicked action.  More after the jump.

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Week to Week: THE LEGEND OF KORRA #1.7, “The Aftermath”

Korra and her crew pretty much step in it while trying to sniff out an Equalist traitor on The Legend of Korra. Image: Nickelodeon

Quick update for those who care: My review of the Person of Interest season finale is running late due to a busy schedule and realizing that I don’t have much to say about it.  I’ll try to get it up by Sunday.

Meanwhile, yesterday morning’s outing — the last one before a Memorial Day Weekend hiatus — was a solid, entertaining plotmover that ultimately felt more slight than it should have.  Gather round and I’ll tell you all about it.

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Week to Week: THE LEGEND OF KORRA #1.6, “And the Winner Is…”

…Amon, apparently, as he addresses the sports fans of Republic City.  Image property of Nickelodeon.

First off, special thanks to Something Awful’s seravid for screencapping this show for me and providing header images for the immediate future.

Now, this week in Korra brings us the conclusion of the Pro-Bending Championships and the start of an all-out war.  Click through and I’ll tell you all about it.

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Week to Week: PERSON OF INTEREST #1.22, “No Good Deed”

Credit: CBS

It’s a little silly for me to start covering this show when next week is the season finale, but this built up some outrageous momentum over the season, has just aired an episode worth talking about, and…seriously, I need to cover something that isn’t a Nickelodeon cartoon, so just bear with me and click through to read my thoughts on this week’s Person of Interest (and by extension, the show in general).

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Week to Week: THE LEGEND OF KORRA #1.5, “The Spirit of Competition”

Clockwise: Bolin, Mako, and Korra huddle up in this week’s episode of Korra.

A quick little programming note before I begin: I feel a little awkward that my only two reviews for this site so far have been for a show marketed primarily to children, so I want to assure people that there will be other shows I’ll be covering. Anyway, my last review was surprisingly popular for this site, which I attribute to me scratching an itch most other places don’t and delivering truly original material, something we take great pride in here at Wag the Movie.

So I’ll have a review of “The Spirit of Competition” just as soon as I’m sponsored by Flame-o Noodles click through for my take on the latest Legend of Korra episode.

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